Monday, January 19, 2009


Well we went to cheerleading yesterday and it went a lot better than last time. I am not saying that Katie didn't try to run off but she payed way more attention this time. She even learned part of the cheer. This Sunday she will be going to a cheer demonstration with her team at a mall in Harrisburg, PA. I am so excited and feel that with time she will definitely pick up on the whole cheer.


Noel said...

I am glad that things are going better with cheerleading. I would think that once she gets into the swing of things she will love it.

Heather said...

Yay! Go katie, go katie, GO!

She loved opening the presents!

She loved opening the presents!

She got a guitar so she can play music with Daddy!!

She got a guitar so she can play music with Daddy!!

Her new sleeping bag!!

Her new sleeping bag!!

Katie and her singing dog!!

Katie and her singing dog!!