Thursday, June 18, 2009


I sit here and think about how much Katie has been through and how far she has come. Seven years ago today I gave birth to a beautiful little girl that was not expected to live. She went through so much her first three years of life and now she is a happy, pretty healthy 7 year old. If you would see her today you wouldn't believe all that she has over come. Katie is definitely a miracle child and I am glad that she is mine and wouldn't trade her for anything. Of course she is hard headed and does what she wants but that makes her who she is. I LOVE YOU PRINCESS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

She loved opening the presents!

She loved opening the presents!

She got a guitar so she can play music with Daddy!!

She got a guitar so she can play music with Daddy!!

Her new sleeping bag!!

Her new sleeping bag!!

Katie and her singing dog!!

Katie and her singing dog!!