On Wednesday I had to go to Delaware to pick up my older nieces and nephew (they are 16, 14, 13 &12). I dropped Brendan off at my mom's work because I drive a minivan and can only fit seven people in it. When I dropped him off Brady was very upset and cried for almost a half and hour. I pick the kids up and went back to my mom's house. Everyone visited for awhile and then we all went to my house. We heat our house with a wood stove and the upstairs sometimes doesn't get very warm so we set up mattresses in the living room for everyone to sleep like a big sleepover.
On Thursday we went to my mothers for dinner and had a great time. We ate dinner, played cards and just enjoyed each others company.
On Friday, Jessie, Brendan and my nephew Mac left for the eastern shore to go hunting. Myself, Katie, Brady, Myndi, Cora and Kirsten headed to there house in Delaware. We got there around 2pm and by 4 pm my kids were driving me crazy. I was supposed to stay until Sunday but I woke up Sunday morning with my monthly friend (.) and the kids were still driving me crazy so we packed up and hit the road around 8:30 am.
On the way home Brady kept crying about getting out and my cramps were so bad I thought I would die. We were going through the drive thru at Mc Donalds and Brady of course got out of his car seat and I was dying with cramps so I parked the car and began to cry. Brady just started laughing at me and then realized I was not faking and said mommy stop crying. Katie of course was being an angel. She is very good in the car unless she is sitting next to someone and then she has to irritate them. We proceeded to head home and ended up stopping at Jessie's mom's house. We stayed the night there so I wouldn't have to worry about starting the wood stove to warm the house.
Well today Jessie and Brendan came home early and we really wanted to go get our Christmas tree but it is very rainy so it will have to wait until another day. But I can't wait to decorate.
Birthday Number Twelve
5 years ago